The Road Less Travelled - Advice from Robert Frost
As a begin a new journal of learning this fall, pursuing a doctoral degree in Education at the University of Saskatchewan, I am doing my best to navigate my way through work, coursework, and life on an active farm in the harvest season. And narrowing down a research topic. This is proving to be the most challenging part of my doctoral journey so far. As I predicted. So many ideas, so many paths to potentially take, but only one to choose. Perhaps a word of advice from Robert Frost , that despite the desire to take both roads, a traveler must choose carefully, knowing that there will be no going back. Frost chose the one less traveled. Will I? My dilemma stems from a background in education rich in experiences and wonderings. Various opportunities to experience learning from different lenses has opened up the possibilities to explore. Should I focus on leadership, specifically female leadership? Or perhaps female teaching principals in small K-12 rural communities. I k...