With special recognition to Linda Theodosakis, whose single phrase - thirst for learning – sent my thoughts soaring.
I am sharing my last post (as it were) for EDCUR 991 as an audio recording. I have been doing a lot of my reflection using my voice recorder on my Samsung Galaxy phone, so it seemed fitting that I share my ideas orally in my final farewell.
To Kim H. and Amy O., thank you for sharing Sarah Kay’s spoken word poetry. Sarah’s voice gave me the courage to try something new.
I have a thirst
… for learning
… for exploring
… for expanding
My horizons have been broadened -
Shaped by the thoughts and ideas of others
With whom I have shared this experience.
of technology, design, and education, has created
Thirst Craving Yearning Desire
for more
And while my learning will take a different form,
it will not end.
I will continue to fill my bucket as often and as fully as I can.
Before, I didn’t understand the depth of my thirst.
My experiences
have expanded my vision which now stretches
wide and welcoming.
I will continue to seek new opportunities to quench my thirst.
No longer content to just dip my toe into learning;
I will wade, or perhaps even dive, to the depths.
I am thirsty for more.
So this
is just the beginning ...
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